Issue 48, 2010

Polymeric entrapped thiol-coated goldnanorods: cytotoxicity and suitability as molecular optoacoustic contrast agent


The behaviour of polymeric entrapped thiol-coated GNRs in culture medium under biological conditions was analysed. The in vitro cytotoxicity was studied by a Colony Forming Efficiency assay on immortalized mouse fibroblasts (Balb/3T3) obtaining a dose–effect relationship in which a half inhibitory concentration (IC50) was 20.3μM. The suitability of the new nanomaterial as an optoacoustic contrast agent was investigated in phantom studies using a hardware platform suitable for retrieving clinically relevant data. Spherical alginate phantoms containing GNR-2-PNPs at different concentrations were synthesized and the optoacoustic signal amplitudes were measured as a function of concentration. Signals could be obtained with satisfying signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) down to concentrations of 11 μM corresponding to subtoxic concentration in our in vitro model. The nanomaterial proved to be a suitable and promising contrast agent for different optoacoustic imaging modalities including multispectral approaches.

Graphical abstract: Polymeric entrapped thiol-coated gold nanorods: cytotoxicity and suitability as molecular optoacoustic contrast agent

Article information

Article type
09 Jul 2010
08 Sep 2010
First published
18 Oct 2010

J. Mater. Chem., 2010,20, 10908-10914

Polymeric entrapped thiol-coated gold nanorods: cytotoxicity and suitability as molecular optoacoustic contrast agent

M. Comes Franchini, J. Ponti, R. Lemor, M. Fournelle, F. Broggi and E. Locatelli, J. Mater. Chem., 2010, 20, 10908 DOI: 10.1039/C0JM02209H

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