Issue 4, 2010

Novel selenoesters fluorescent liquid crystalline exhibiting a rich phase polymorphism


A simple and efficient procedure for the synthesis of a new class of selenoesters 4a and 4b was developed. Polarized-light optical microscopy (POM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and X-ray diffraction showed that the selenoester 4a with a shorter alkyl chain displayed a wide nematic range (ΔT = 110.7 °C), while 4b with a longer alkyl chain possesses a rich phase polymorphism: CrSmISmCN → I mesophase sequence during heating cycle and I → NSmCSmISmXCr transition on cooling. For 4b, a large temperature range (135.7 °C) from crystal to isotropic phase can be observed. In addition, UV-Vis, steady-state fluorescence emission and excitation spectra in solution were also applied in order to characterize their photophysical behaviour. Compounds 4a and 4b are fluorescent in the blue region and present a Stokes shift at around 80 nm and 39 nm in dichloromethane and dioxane, respectively.

Graphical abstract: Novel selenoesters fluorescent liquid crystalline exhibiting a rich phase polymorphism

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
22 Aug 2009
28 Oct 2009
First published
04 Dec 2009

J. Mater. Chem., 2010,20, 715-722

Novel selenoesters fluorescent liquid crystalline exhibiting a rich phase polymorphism

D. S. Rampon, F. S. Rodembusch, J. M. F. M. Schneider, I. H. Bechtold, P. F. B. Gonçalves, A. A. Merlo and P. H. Schneider, J. Mater. Chem., 2010, 20, 715 DOI: 10.1039/B917366H

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