Issue 29, 2010

Reactions of aromatic N-heterocycles with a lutetium benzyl complex supported by a ferrocene-diamide ligand


A comparison between the reactivity behavior of two lutetium benzyl complexes supported by different ferrocene-diamide ligands towards aromatic N-heterocycles, such as 1-methylimidazole, isoquinoline, and pyridines, is presented. The two ferrocene-diamide ancillary ligands differ in their nitrogen-donor substituent: adamantyl for one and t-butyldimethylsilyl for the other. The synthesis and characterization of the adamantyl-derived complex 1Ad-DME are reported. The ring opening of 1-methylimidazole by the THF analogue of 1Ad-DME, 1Ad-THF, was observed, analogously to the ring opening of the same substrate by the lutetium benzyl complex supported by the silyl-substituted ligand. Also, analogous products were observed in the reactions with isoquinoline.

Graphical abstract: Reactions of aromatic N-heterocycles with a lutetium benzyl complex supported by a ferrocene-diamide ligand

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
28 Jan 2010
07 Apr 2010
First published
10 May 2010

Dalton Trans., 2010,39, 6726-6731

Reactions of aromatic N-heterocycles with a lutetium benzyl complex supported by a ferrocene-diamide ligand

A. W. Wong, K. L. Miller and P. L. Diaconescu, Dalton Trans., 2010, 39, 6726 DOI: 10.1039/C001927E

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