Issue 8, 2010

Chemical complexity—supramolecular self-assembly of synthetic and biological building blocks in water


Aqueous supramolecular chemistry, the non-covalent assembly of simple building blocks into higher ordered architectures in water has received much focus recently. Biological systems are able to form complex, and well-defined microstructures essential to cellular function, and supramolecular chemistry has demonstrated its utility in assembling molecules to form increasingly complex assemblies. This tutorial review will summarise non-covalent building blocks based on both synthetic and biological systems in an aqueous environment, emphasising the complexity of the assemblies formed. Examples of higher ordered assemblies will be highlighted, from supramolecular plastics to spider silks, towards more compartmentalised protocell precursors.

Graphical abstract: Chemical complexity—supramolecular self-assembly of synthetic and biological building blocks in water

Article information

Article type
Tutorial Review
26 Oct 2009
First published
29 Jun 2010

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2010,39, 2806-2816

Chemical complexity—supramolecular self-assembly of synthetic and biological building blocks in water

J. M. Zayed, N. Nouvel, U. Rauwald and O. A. Scherman, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2010, 39, 2806 DOI: 10.1039/B922348G

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