Issue 11, 2010

Mineralization of calcite ribbons on an Allium fistulosum L. bulb inner membrane in an ethanol–water mixed solvent under control of polyacrylic acid by a double diffusion method


This paper describes the mineralization and morphosynthesis of CaCO3 on an Allium fistulosum L. bulb inner membrane by a double diffusion method and exhibits some ingenious structures of CaCO3 formed on both surfaces of the bulb membrane. Novel calcite ribbons with smooth surfaces and film coatings consisting of petal-like building blocks have been synthesized on the inner and outer surface of the bulb membrane when two surfaces faced CaCl2 solution, respectively. The presence of polyacrylic acid (PAA), a suitable pH value and the mixed solvent system are the key primary conditions for the formation of calcite ribbons. The surface of the bulb membrane acted as an insoluble matrix providing nucleation sites for CaCO3 crystals with different morphologies. The present double diffusion method involved using a plant system and its combination with a polyelectrolyte in a mixed solvent system provides a versatile, mild and flexible tool to control the size and shape of CaCO3 crystals, which may be extended for synthesis of other inorganic materials.

Graphical abstract: Mineralization of calcite ribbons on an Allium fistulosum L. bulb inner membrane in an ethanol–water mixed solvent under control of polyacrylic acid by a double diffusion method

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Article information

Article type
10 Feb 2010
05 May 2010
First published
06 Jul 2010

CrystEngComm, 2010,12, 3593-3598

Mineralization of calcite ribbons on an Allium fistulosum L. bulb inner membrane in an ethanolwater mixed solvent under control of polyacrylic acid by a double diffusion method

L. Liu, B. Hu, S. Chen, S. Liu, J. Jiang, G. Cai and S. Yu, CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 3593 DOI: 10.1039/C002697B

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