Issue 46, 2010

Magnetic metal–organic framework constructed from a paramagnetic metalloligand exhibiting a significant sorption and reversible magnetic conversions


A Co(II)Cu(II) framework based on a paramagnetic metalloligand [Co(Tt)2] shows a permanent porosity with a record high surface area for magnetic MOFs as well as a reversible magnetic transformation between a paramagnetic-like state and a short-range magnetic order in the low-temperature regime upon solvation–desolvation cyclings.

Graphical abstract: Magnetic metal–organic framework constructed from a paramagnetic metalloligand exhibiting a significant sorption and reversible magnetic conversions

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Article information

Article type
30 Aug 2010
30 Sep 2010
First published
20 Oct 2010

Chem. Commun., 2010,46, 8779-8781

Magnetic metal–organic framework constructed from a paramagnetic metalloligand exhibiting a significant sorption and reversible magnetic conversions

D. W. Ryu, W. R. Lee, J. W. Lee, J. H. Yoon, H. C. Kim, E. K. Koh and C. S. Hong, Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 8779 DOI: 10.1039/C0CC03540H

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