Issue 9, 2010

Ultrasensitive optical detection ofhydrogen peroxide by triggered activation of horseradish peroxidase


Hydrogen peroxide is a very reactive byproduct of many metabolic pathways. We describe an ultra-sensitive colorimetric method to detect hydrogen peroxide based on the reconstitution of apo-horseradish peroxidase with the hemin derivative, hemin di(N,N′-acetyl-hydrazide). Oxidation of the latter by hydrogen peroxide yields hemin, which is able to reconstitute apo-horseradish peroxidase, forming an active peroxidase. We have also applied this analyte-triggered reconstitution of horseradish peroxidase to detect the activity of the enzyme glucose oxidase.

Graphical abstract: Ultrasensitive optical detection of hydrogen peroxide by triggered activation of horseradish peroxidase

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Article information

Article type
17 Feb 2010
08 Apr 2010
First published
12 May 2010

Analyst, 2010,135, 2291-2295

Ultrasensitive optical detection of hydrogen peroxide by triggered activation of horseradish peroxidase

A. Virel, L. Saa, S. D. Köster and V. Pavlov, Analyst, 2010, 135, 2291 DOI: 10.1039/C0AN00095G

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