Issue 2, 2010

Effects of eggs on plasma lipoproteins in healthy populations


Extensive research has not clearly established a link between egg consumption and risk for coronary heart disease. This lack of connection can be explained by two major reasons: First, eggs are a good source of numerous nutrients including lutein and zeaxanthin, potent antioxidants, which may exert a protective effect against lipoprotein oxidation. Second, it has been well established that dietary cholesterol increases the concentrations of both circulating LDL and HDL cholesterol in those individuals who experience a higher increase in plasma cholesterol following egg consumption (hyper-responders). It is also important to note that 75% of the population experiences a mild increase or no alterations in plasma cholesterol concentrations when challenged with high amounts of dietary cholesterol (normal responders and hypo-responders). Egg intake has been shown to promote the formation of large LDL and HDL subclasses in addition to shifting individuals from the LDL pattern B to pattern A, which is less atherogenic. For these reasons, dietary recommendations aimed at restricting egg consumption should be taken with caution and not include all individuals. We need to acknowledge that diverse healthy populations experience no risk in developing coronary heart disease by increasing their intake of cholesterol but in contrast, they may have multiple beneficial effects by the inclusion of eggs in their regular diet.

Graphical abstract: Effects of eggs on plasma lipoproteins in healthy populations

Article information

Article type
Review Article
19 Jul 2010
06 Sep 2010
First published
19 Oct 2010

Food Funct., 2010,1, 156-160

Effects of eggs on plasma lipoproteins in healthy populations

M. L. Fernandez, Food Funct., 2010, 1, 156 DOI: 10.1039/C0FO00088D

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