Issue 10, 2009

A double helical structure formed from an amorphous, achiral ABC triblock terpolymer


We present the experimental visualization of the three-dimensional (3D) helical morphology of a polystyrene-block-polybutadiene-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) triblock terpolymer (SBM) using transmission electron microtomography. Our results uncovered a left-handed (and to a similar degree, right-handed) double helical structure composed of polybutadiene (PB) helical microdomains around polystyrene (PS) cores. The addition of short polystyrene chains into the PS cores by solution blending was found to be essential to control the pitch of the helix. We further discovered that the self-assembly in thin films of the present helical structure forms a thickness-independent stable alignment of the helical fibers arrayed in a honeycomb board perpendicular to the film plane.

Graphical abstract: A double helical structure formed from an amorphous, achiral ABC triblock terpolymer

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
16 Jan 2009
13 Mar 2009
First published
07 Apr 2009

Soft Matter, 2009,5, 2042-2046

A double helical structure formed from an amorphous, achiral ABC triblock terpolymer

H. Jinnai, T. Kaneko, K. Matsunaga, C. Abetz and V. Abetz, Soft Matter, 2009, 5, 2042 DOI: 10.1039/B901008D

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