Issue 1, 2009

Frustrated self-assembly of dendron and dendrimer-based supramolecular liquid crystals


A new “inverted” topological configuration is demonstrated both experimentally and theoretically for self-assembled dendron and dendrimer-based supramolecular liquid crystals in which the dendrons/dendrimers occupy the continuous domain and the ionically attached pendant chains are confined in discrete domains. All previous studies on dendrimer and dendron-based liquid crystals have reported “normal” liquid crystalline configurations in which the dendritic templates occupy discrete domains (in spherical or columnar phases) or continuous struts (in bicontinuous cubic phases), while the pendant chains occupy the continuous space-filling domain. These surprising results mandate a re-examination of the packing mechanisms for this important class of materials and open new routes to unique nanostructures of possible use in existing and emerging technologies.

Graphical abstract: Frustrated self-assembly of dendron and dendrimer-based supramolecular liquid crystals

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
27 Aug 2008
07 Oct 2008
First published
27 Oct 2008

Soft Matter, 2009,5, 92-97

Frustrated self-assembly of dendron and dendrimer-based supramolecular liquid crystals

R. Mezzenga, J. Ruokolainen, N. Canilho, E. Kasëmi, D. A. Schlüter, W. B. Lee and G. H. Fredrickson, Soft Matter, 2009, 5, 92 DOI: 10.1039/B814972K

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