Issue 4, 2009

Advanced nanogel engineering for drug delivery


Nanosized hydrogels (nanogels) have attracted considerable attention as multifunctional polymer-based drug delivery systems. Their versatility is demonstrated both in drug encapsulation and drug release. Nanogels can be designed to facilitate the encapsulation of diverse classes of bioactive compounds. With optimization of their molecular composition, size and morphology, nanogels can be tailor-made to sense and respond to environmental changes in order to ensure spatial and stimuli-controlled drug release in vivo. This manuscript aims to highlight recent advances in the interface between biology and nanomedicine with the emphasis on nanogels as carriers for controlled drug delivery.

Graphical abstract: Advanced nanogel engineering for drug delivery

Article information

Article type
15 Jul 2008
30 Oct 2008
First published
09 Dec 2008

Soft Matter, 2009,5, 707-715

Advanced nanogel engineering for drug delivery

K. Raemdonck, J. Demeester and S. De Smedt, Soft Matter, 2009, 5, 707 DOI: 10.1039/B811923F

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