Issue 5, 2009

Solar disinfection of drinking water (SODIS): an investigation of the effect of UV-A dose on inactivation efficiency


The effect of solar UV-A irradiance and solar UV-A dose on the inactivation of Escherichia coliK-12 using solar disinfection (SODIS) was studied. E. coliK-12 was seeded in natural well-water contained in borosilicate glass tubes and exposed to sunlight at different irradiances and doses of solar UV radiation. In addition, E. coliK-12 was also inoculated into poly(ethylene) terephthalate (PET) bottles and in a continuous flow system (10 L min−1) to determine the effect of an interrupted and uninterrupted solar dose on inactivation. Results showed that inactivation from approximately 106CFU mL−1 to below the detection level (4 CFU/mL) for E. coliK-12, is a function of the total uninterrupted dose delivered to the bacteria and that the minimum dose should be >108 kJ m−2 for the conditions described (spectral range of 0.295–0.385 μm). For complete inactivation to below the limit of detection, this dose needs to be received regardless of the incident solar UV intensity and needs to be delivered in a continuous and uninterrupted manner. This is illustrated by a continuous flow system in which bacteria were not fully inactivated (residual viable concentration ∼102CFU/mL) even after 5 h of exposure to strong sunlight and a cumulative dose of >108 kJ m−2. This has serious implications for attempts to scale-up solar disinfection through the use of re-circulatory continuous flow reactors.

Graphical abstract: Solar disinfection of drinking water (SODIS): an investigation of the effect of UV-A dose on inactivation efficiency

Article information

Article type
22 Sep 2008
08 Dec 2008
First published
19 Jan 2009

Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2009,8, 587-595

Solar disinfection of drinking water (SODIS): an investigation of the effect of UV-A dose on inactivation efficiency

E. Ubomba-Jaswa, C. Navntoft, M. I. Polo-López, P. Fernandez-Ibáñez and K. G. McGuigan, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2009, 8, 587 DOI: 10.1039/B816593A

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