Issue 41, 2009

Reconfigurable molecular logic gate operating in polymer film


2-Styrylquinoline (2-SQ) comprises two functional active sites, ethylenic group and aza-function (endocyclic nitrogen atom), and can exist in four forms which are thermally stable, have different spectral properties, and are easily interconvertible. Due to these features, 2-SQ, embedded into a polymer film, can act as “AND”, “OR”, “INHIBIT”, “NAND”, “NOR” and “IMPLICATION” logic gates; it can also function as a 1 : 2 digital demultiplexer. The molecular logic gate utilizes two stimuli, irradiation by light and protonation, as inputs and absorbance as output. The gate can be easily reconfigured to various modes of operation by changing the initial state as well as the input and readout wavelength.

Graphical abstract: Reconfigurable molecular logic gate operating in polymer film

Article information

Article type
29 Apr 2009
19 Jun 2009
First published
02 Sep 2009

J. Mater. Chem., 2009,19, 7721-7724

Reconfigurable molecular logic gate operating in polymer film

M. F. Budyka, N. I. Potashova, T. N. Gavrishova and V. M. Lee, J. Mater. Chem., 2009, 19, 7721 DOI: 10.1039/B908562A

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