Volume 143, 2009

Template sol–gel synthesis of mesostructured silica composites using metal complexes bearing amphiphilic side chains: immobilization of a polymeric Pt complex formed by a metallophilic interaction


A bipyridine-based ligand 1 bearing two amphiphilic side chains allowed for the formation of metal complexes Pt(1)Cl2 (2), [Pt(1)2](BF4)2 (3), and [Pt(1)2][Pt(CN)4] (4), which are capable of templating the sol–gel synthesis of mesostrucutred silica to give 2-MS, 3-MS and 4-MS, respectively, whose silicate channels are filled with the corresponding platinum complexes. In particular, silica composite 4-MS, upon spin-coating, gives a transparent film, which emits at 619 nm upon excitation at 495 nm, indicating that a weak Pt–Pt bond, formed between Pt(1)22+ and Pt(CN)42−via a metallophilic interaction, is successfully incorporated into the silicate nanochannels.

Article information

Article type
23 Jan 2009
19 Mar 2009
First published
23 Jul 2009

Faraday Discuss., 2009,143, 335-343

Template sol–gel synthesis of mesostructured silica composites using metal complexes bearing amphiphilic side chains: immobilization of a polymeric Pt complex formed by a metallophilic interaction

W. Otani, K. Kinbara and T. Aida, Faraday Discuss., 2009, 143, 335 DOI: 10.1039/B904896K

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