Issue 12, 2009

Stepwise formation of organometallic macrocycles, prisms and boxes from Ir, Rh and Ru-based half-sandwich units


Over the past decade, supramolecular compounds with organometallic Ir, Rh, Ru based half-sandwich complexes have received considerable attention as materials with a variety of potential applications. The major emphasis of this tutorial review lies on the self-assembly of such organometallic half-sandwich molecular rectangles, prisms and cages with half-sandwich corners and two different rigid bifunctional ligands using an approach of stepwise construction. Synthetic methods and the structural and functional properties of the target complexes are discussed in detail.

Graphical abstract: Stepwise formation of organometallic macrocycles, prisms and boxes from Ir, Rh and Ru-based half-sandwich units

Article information

Article type
Tutorial Review
26 Jan 2009
First published
02 Sep 2009

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2009,38, 3419-3434

Stepwise formation of organometallic macrocycles, prisms and boxes from Ir, Rh and Ru-based half-sandwich units

Y. Han, W. Jia, W. Yu and G. Jin, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2009, 38, 3419 DOI: 10.1039/B901649J

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