Issue 21, 2009

Competition between cluster fragmentation, C–C bond coupling and C–X bond activation in silver hexynyl cluster cations, [(C4H9CCAg)nAg]+. Size does matter!


Silver hexynyl cluster cations, [(C4H9CCAg)nAg]+, exhibit a rich unimolecular chemistry that is dependant on the cluster size, n (1–5), cluster fragmentation (for all n > 1); C–C bond coupling (n = 3 & 4); C–H bond activation with comcomitant silver hydride formation (n = 1 & 4); C–C bond activation (n = 1 & 4).

Graphical abstract: Competition between cluster fragmentation, C–C bond coupling and C–X bond activation in silver hexynyl cluster cations, [(C4H9CCAg)nAg]+. Size does matter!

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
06 Mar 2009
12 Mar 2009
First published
01 Apr 2009

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2009,11, 4132-4135

Competition between cluster fragmentation, C–C bond coupling and C–X bond activation in silver hexynyl cluster cations, [(C4H9CCAg)nAg]+. Size does matter!

F. Q. Wang, G. N. Khairallah, G. A. Koutsantonis, C. M. Williams, D. L. Callahan and R. A. J. O’Hair, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2009, 11, 4132 DOI: 10.1039/B904687A

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