Issue 7, 2009

Variant shape growth of nanoparticles of metallic Fe–Pt, Fe–Pd and Fe–Pt–Pd alloys


We report the controlled syntheses of Fe–Pt, Fe–Pd and Fe–Pt–Pd nanoparticles having different isolated shapes including sphere, cube, octopod-cube, star, rod, bilobe, tetrahedron, or multipod with size of 5–50 nm. The formation of such a rich variety of shapes was made possible by controlling the synthetic conditions (e.g. nature and concentration of the precursors, reaction time, temperature and atmosphere) of a thermal decomposition and reduction of precursors in the presence of surfactants. From the results of the investigation, the possible connection between formation of different shapes and the symmetry of the nuclei as well as the divergent kinetics of particle growth have been examined and discussed.

Graphical abstract: Variant shape growth of nanoparticles of metallic Fe–Pt, Fe–Pd and Fe–Pt–Pd alloys

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
24 Dec 2008
18 Feb 2009
First published
10 Mar 2009

CrystEngComm, 2009,11, 1309-1316

Variant shape growth of nanoparticles of metallic Fe–Pt, Fe–Pd and Fe–Pt–Pd alloys

D. Ung, L. D. Tung, G. Caruntu, D. Delaportas, I. Alexandrou, I. A. Prior and N. T. K. Thanh, CrystEngComm, 2009, 11, 1309 DOI: 10.1039/B823290N

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