Issue 9, 2008

Strong decrease in viscosity of nanoparticle-filled polymer melts through selective adsorption


The melt viscosity of poly(propylene) is found to reduce dramatically through the addition of a minute amount of silica nanoparticles. We attribute this unique effect to “selective adsorption of high molar mass polymer chains” on the surface of the nanofillers. This represents a paradigm shift regarding commonly accepted relations between the molar mass and viscosity of molten polymers. This strong viscosity decrease provides major advantages for polymer processing, and materials with improved properties are obtained.

Graphical abstract: Strong decrease in viscosity of nanoparticle-filled polymer melts through selective adsorption

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Article information

Article type
19 Feb 2008
29 May 2008
First published
03 Jul 2008

Soft Matter, 2008,4, 1848-1854

Strong decrease in viscosity of nanoparticle-filled polymer melts through selective adsorption

S. Jain, J. G. P. Goossens, G. W. M. Peters, M. van Duin and P. J. Lemstra, Soft Matter, 2008, 4, 1848 DOI: 10.1039/B802905A

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