Patterning of surfaces with nanosized cellulosic fibrils using microcontact printing and a lift-off technique
Microfibrillar cellulose has been organised into nanofilms with well-controlled features. This has been achieved with
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KTH, Fibre and Polymer Technology, Teknikringen 56, 10044 Stockholm, Sweden
b STFI–Packforsk, Box 5604, 11486 Stockholm, Sweden
c MPI for Colloids and Interfaces, Wissenschaftspark Golm, 10124 Potsdam, Germany
d Universität Bayreuth, Physical Chemistry II Universitätsstraße 30, 95440 Bayreuth, Germany
Microfibrillar cellulose has been organised into nanofilms with well-controlled features. This has been achieved with
O. Werner, L. Persson, M. Nolte, A. Fery and L. Wågberg, Soft Matter, 2008, 4, 1158 DOI: 10.1039/B715914E
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