Issue 11, 2008

Rapid quantitative monitoring method for the fish spoilage bacteria Pseudomonas


Pseudomonas spp. is a group of microorganisms commonly found in fish and other fresh foods and is involved in their spoilage process. The aim of this study was to develop a rapid and accurate quantitative assay for Pseudomonas spp. in fish using real-time PCR. The assay targets the carbamoyl phosphate synthase gene (carA) with SYBR green based real-time PCR. The selectivity of the assay was confirmed using 24 Pseudomonas strains and 55 non-pseudomonad strains. A linear quantification was established over seven orders of magnitude, from 40 – 47 copies reaction−1. The assay was validated on cod samples collected during two shelf life trials and showed a high degree of correlation to the plate count method (rP = 0.891) where the difference between the methods was 0.04 log10CFU g−1 on average. The study shows that it is possible to quantify accurately the specific spoilage organisms belonging to the genus Pseudomonas in fish using real-time PCR. The method takes less than 5 h from sampling to results. The short detection time of the method can provide the fish industry with an important tool for quality control and processing management.

Graphical abstract: Rapid quantitative monitoring method for the fish spoilage bacteria Pseudomonas

Article information

Article type
18 Apr 2008
20 Aug 2008
First published
17 Sep 2008

J. Environ. Monit., 2008,10, 1357-1362

Rapid quantitative monitoring method for the fish spoilage bacteria Pseudomonas

E. Reynisson, H. L. Lauzon, H. Magnusson, G. Óli Hreggvidsson and V. T. Marteinsson, J. Environ. Monit., 2008, 10, 1357 DOI: 10.1039/B806603E

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