Issue 8, 2008

Soil subsampling in environmental sciences: the role of granulometry


Uncertainty associated to analytical results is an issue of major interest for the whole analytical community. A large effort has been made to improve analytical techniques and procedures aimed to achieve a well characterized uncertainty associated with analysis. However, it is becoming increasingly recognised that uncertainty deriving from sampling and subsampling can even dominate the global uncertainty budget. A study on subsampling activities on different soil typologies has been performed by granulometry determinations. The differences between sieving methodologies based on both wet and dry mode have been studied. Subsampling is approached by replicated measurements providing a quantitative assessment of the distribution heterogeneity, a suitable method validation scheme and an empirical determination of uncertainty.

Graphical abstract: Soil subsampling in environmental sciences: the role of granulometry

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Technical Note
16 Apr 2008
18 Jun 2008
First published
11 Jul 2008

J. Environ. Monit., 2008,10, 993-997

Soil subsampling in environmental sciences: the role of granulometry

R. Narizzano, F. Risso, R. Innocenti, V. Mollica and B. Tortarolo, J. Environ. Monit., 2008, 10, 993 DOI: 10.1039/B806522P

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