Issue 1, 2008

Hydrogen production using cobalt-based molecular catalysts containing a proton relay in the second coordination sphere


The cobalt analogue of a highly active nickel electrocatalyst for hydrogen production has been synthesized and characterized as [Co(PPh2NPh2)2(CH3CN)](BF4)2. In the presence of triflic acid in acetonitrile solution, the complex loses one cyclic diphosphine ligand to form [Co(PPh2NPh2)(CH3CN)3](BF4)2, which has been synthesized independently and stucturally characterized. The latter complex serves as an electrocatalyst for hydrogen formation with a turnover frequency of 90 sāˆ’1 and an overpotential of 285 mV using bromoanilinium tetrafluoroborate as the acid. A similar cobalt complex with a related diphosphine ligand that does not contain a pendant base is not catalytically active, confirming an important role for the pendant amine in the catalytic reaction.

Graphical abstract: Hydrogen production using cobalt-based molecular catalysts containing a proton relay in the second coordination sphere

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Article information

Article type
31 Mar 2008
19 May 2008
First published
11 Jun 2008

Energy Environ. Sci., 2008,1, 167-174

Hydrogen production using cobalt-based molecular catalysts containing a proton relay in the second coordination sphere

G. M. Jacobsen, J. Y. Yang, B. Twamley, A. D. Wilson, R. M. Bullock, M. Rakowski DuBois and D. L. DuBois, Energy Environ. Sci., 2008, 1, 167 DOI: 10.1039/B805309J

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