Issue 11, 2008

Affinity assays for detection of cellular communication and biomarkers


The biological events occurring in the body are complex and challenging to decode. The expression, production, secretion and interaction of proteins, peptides and small molecules often occur in a fast manner and at low concentrations. Methods used to quantify these events must be rapid, selective, sensitive and robust. In recent years, new variations of affinity methodologies have been developed to facilitate quantitation of these biomolecules. This review will focus on selected affinity techniques that have described multi-analyte measurement, high sensitivity techniques, or the application of new affinity reagents applied to conventional technologies to measure analytes involved in cell communication and biomarkers produced in specific disease states.

Graphical abstract: Affinity assays for detection of cellular communication and biomarkers

Article information

Article type
First published
02 Oct 2008

Analyst, 2008,133, 1481-1485

Affinity assays for detection of cellular communication and biomarkers

C. Guillo and M. G. Roper, Analyst, 2008, 133, 1481 DOI: 10.1039/B808735K

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