Issue 6, 2008

Recent advances in immobilization methods of antibodies on solid supports


Antibody immobilization on a solid support is an essential process for the development of most immune-based assay systems. The choice of the immobilization method greatly affects antibody–antigen interactions on the assay surface. For the past several years, numerous strategies have been reported to control antibody immobilization, mainly by directing the orientation, stability, and density of bound antibodies on different assay platforms. Here we discuss recent developments in antibody immobilization methods with a particular focus on the strengths and limitations of reported approaches, and thereby provide a useful guideline for the selection of suitable antibody coupling procedures.

Graphical abstract: Recent advances in immobilization methods of antibodies on solid supports

Article information

Article type
First published
17 Apr 2008

Analyst, 2008,133, 697-701

Recent advances in immobilization methods of antibodies on solid supports

Y. Jung, J. Y. Jeong and B. H. Chung, Analyst, 2008, 133, 697 DOI: 10.1039/B800014J

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