Issue 12, 2007

The E Factor: fifteen years on


The purpose of this perspective is to review the effect that the E Factor concept has had over the last fifteen years on developments in the (fine) chemical industry and pharmaceutical industry with regard to waste minimisation and to assess its current status in the broader context of green chemistry and sustainability. We conclude that the E Factor concept has played a major role in focusing the attention of the chemical industry world-wide, and particularly the pharmaceutical industry, on the problem of waste generation in chemicals manufacture. It provided, and continues to provide, the impetus for developing cleaner, more sustainable processes.

Graphical abstract: The E Factor: fifteen years on

Article information

Article type
06 Sep 2007
02 Oct 2007
First published
19 Oct 2007

Green Chem., 2007,9, 1273-1283

The E Factor: fifteen years on

R. A. Sheldon, Green Chem., 2007, 9, 1273 DOI: 10.1039/B713736M

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