Issue 2, 2006

About photo-damage of human hair


This paper reviews the current knowledge about human hair photodamage and the photodegradation mechanisms proposed in the literature. It is shown that there are still a number of questions without answer regarding this issue. For example, a better understanding of the hair structural changes caused by different radiation wavelengths is still lacking. We also find controversies about the effects of sun exposure on different hair types. Explanations to these questions are frequently sustained on the amount and type of melanin of each hair, but factors such as the absence of knowledge of melanin structure and of established methodologies to use in human hair studies make it difficult to reach a general agreement on these issues.

Graphical abstract: About photo-damage of human hair

Article information

Article type
01 Apr 2005
15 Aug 2005
First published
23 Sep 2005

Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2006,5, 165-169

About photo-damage of human hair

A. C. S. Nogueira, L. E. Dicelio and I. Joekes, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2006, 5, 165 DOI: 10.1039/B504574F

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