A three-channel microfluidic device for generating static linear gradients and its application to the quantitative analysis of bacterial chemotaxis
We have developed a prototype three-channel microfluidic chip that is capable of generating a linear concentration gradient within a microfluidic channel and is useful in the study of bacterial chemotaxis. The linear chemical gradient is established by diffusing a chemical through a porous membrane located in the side wall of the channel and can be established without through-flow in the channel where cells reside. As a result, movement of the cells in the center channel is caused solely by the cells chemotactic response and not by variations in fluid flow. The advantages of this microfluidic chemical linear gradient generator are (i) its ability to produce a static chemical gradient, (ii) its rapid implementation, and (iii) its potential for highly parallel sample processing. Using this device, wildtype Escherichia coli strain RP437 was observed to move towards an attractant (e.g., L-asparate) and away from a repellent (e.g.,