Issue 1, 2006

Magnesium isotopic analysis of olivine by laser-ablation multi-collector ICP-MS: composition dependent matrix effects and a comparison of the Earth and Moon


Magnesium isotopic compositions of olivine were measured by laser-ablation multi-collector ICP-MS using an ArF 193 nm excimer laser. Analytical precision based on replicate analyses of mantle olivine is ∼0.2 permil (2SD). This is about an order of magnitude better than has been reported by ion microprobe or thermal ionization mass spectrometry, but about a factor of 2–3 less precise than can be obtained by solution aspiration multi-collector ICP-MS with a similar signal intensity. Analysis of synthetic olivines demonstrates a composition-dependent matrix effect in which systematically heavier isotopic compositions are measured in olivines with lower Mg#. The magnitude of this matrix effect varies with laser operating parameters such as spot diameter and repetition rate, and appears to be due to mass-dependent isotope fractionation at the ablation site rather than within the plasma. After correction for matrix effects, the Mg isotopic composition of olivine from the Moon is shown to be identical with that of the Earth’s mantle.

Graphical abstract: Magnesium isotopic analysis of olivine by laser-ablation multi-collector ICP-MS: composition dependent matrix effects and a comparison of the Earth and Moon

Article information

Article type
28 Jul 2005
28 Oct 2005
First published
18 Nov 2005

J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2006,21, 50-54

Magnesium isotopic analysis of olivine by laser-ablation multi-collector ICP-MS: composition dependent matrix effects and a comparison of the Earth and Moon

M. D. Norman, M. T. McCulloch, H. St. C. O’Neill and G. M. Yaxley, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2006, 21, 50 DOI: 10.1039/B510719A

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