Issue 38, 2006

Structural study of trivalent lanthanide and actinide complexes formed upon solvent extraction


The coordination of the trivalent 4f ions, Ln = Nd3+, Eu3+ and Yb3+, as well as the trivalent 5f ion, Am3+, with diamide and dialkylphosphoric acid extractants, individually and in combination, was studied by use of X-ray absorption spectroscopy. These studies provide metrical information about the interatomic interactions between the f-ions (M3+) and the ligands, dihexylphosphoric acid (HDHP) and N,N′-dimethyl-N,N′-dioctylhexylethoxymalonamide (DMDOHEMA), that is of practical relevance to the control of metal–ligand binding in liquid–liquid extraction systems for the separation of trivalent actinide ions, An3+, from trivalent lanthanide ions, Ln3+. Through systematic variations of extraction conditions and extractant combinations, we have found that the HDHP complexes with M3+ involve MO6 coordination and distant M⋯P interactions, whereas the DMDOHEMA complexes with M3+ involve MO8 coordination. The combination of the EXAFS results with ancillary extraction data and IR results facilitates descriptions of the stoichiometries and structures of the molecular species formed in solution upon liquid–liquid extraction and leads to a new understanding of the binary extraction systems in terms of the strength and selectivity of An3+- vs. Ln3+-ligand interactions. This fundamental structure information affords insight into solvent extraction processes that are of contemporary and practical importance in heavy element chemistry and to environmentally related issues arising from the separation and disposal of radioactive materials, particularly actinides and selected fission products, in the field of nuclear waste reprocessing research.

Graphical abstract: Structural study of trivalent lanthanide and actinide complexes formed upon solvent extraction

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Article information

Article type
04 Jul 2006
23 Aug 2006
First published
04 Sep 2006

Dalton Trans., 2006, 4553-4562

Structural study of trivalent lanthanide and actinide complexes formed upon solvent extraction

B. Gannaz, M. R. Antonio, R. Chiarizia, C. Hill and G. Cote, Dalton Trans., 2006, 4553 DOI: 10.1039/B609492A

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