Issue 38, 2005

Chemical optimization of artificial metalloenzymes based on the biotin-avidin technology: (S)-selective and solvent-tolerant hydrogenation catalystsvia the introduction of chiral amino acid spacers


Incorporation of biotinylated-[rhodium(diphosphine)]+ complexes, with enantiopure amino acid spacers, in streptavidin affords solvent-tolerant and selective artificial metalloenzymes: up to 91% ee (S) in the hydrogenation of N-protected dehydroamino acids.

Graphical abstract: Chemical optimization of artificial metalloenzymes based on the biotin-avidin technology: (S)-selective and solvent-tolerant hydrogenation catalysts via the introduction of chiral amino acid spacers

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Article information

Article type
27 Jun 2005
05 Aug 2005
First published
01 Sep 2005

Chem. Commun., 2005, 4815-4817

Chemical optimization of artificial metalloenzymes based on the biotin-avidin technology: (S)-selective and solvent-tolerant hydrogenation catalysts via the introduction of chiral amino acid spacers

M. Skander, C. Malan, A. Ivanova and T. R. Ward, Chem. Commun., 2005, 4815 DOI: 10.1039/B509015F

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