Issue 8, 2004

Synthesis and characterization of magnetic organic-inorganic nanocomposites based on the [Mn2O12{CH2C(CH3)COO}16(H2O)4] building block


The new methacrylate-substituted manganese carboxylate cluster [Mn12O12{CH2C(CH3)COO}16(H2O)4] having single molecule magnetic (SMM) properties was synthesized and fully characterized by X-ray crystallography, LDI-TOF, fast atom bombardment (FAB) analyses and magnetic measurements. This cluster, containing sixteen polymerizable functionalities, was used as a cross-linker in the radical copolymerization with methyl methacrylate monomer in order to obtain hybrid cross-linked copolymers. The obtained nanocomposites were studied by infrared spectroscopy, magnetic measurements, thermogravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry and transmission electronic microscopy. All these methods, along with the study of the swelling properties, reveal that the intact manganese cluster is enwrapped and covalently bonded to the polymer matrix, allowing to improve its chemical and thermal stability. The resulting nanocomposite materials have SMM properties.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis and characterization of magnetic organic-inorganic nanocomposites based on the [Mn2O12{CH2C(CH3)COO}16(H2O)4] building block

Article information

Article type
10 Feb 2004
07 Apr 2004
First published
21 Jul 2004

New J. Chem., 2004,28, 919-928

Synthesis and characterization of magnetic organic-inorganic nanocomposites based on the [Mn2O12{CH2C(CH3)COO}16(H2O)4] building block

S. Willemin, B. Donnadieu, L. Lecren, B. Henner, R. Clérac, C. Guérin, A. Meyer, A. V. Pokrovskii and J. Larionova, New J. Chem., 2004, 28, 919 DOI: 10.1039/B402080D

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