Issue 17, 2004

Synthesis and magnetism of oxygen-bridged tetranuclear defect dicubane Co(ii) and Ni(ii) clusters


Reaction of aqueous/ethanolic solutions of CoCl2·6H2O and nitrilotripropionic acid (H3ntp = N(CH2CH2COOH)3) in the presence of potassium hydroxide affords the hydroxy-bridged tetranuclear cluster [Co43-OH)2(H2O)6(ntp)2]·2H2O (1). The Ni(II) analogue [Ni43-OH)2(H2O)6(ntp)2]·2H2O (2) can also be isolated using aqueous solutions and Ni(SO4)·7H2O as metal salt. With small changes in reaction conditions the methoxy-bridged analogue, [Ni43-OMe)2(H2O)6(ntp)2] (3), can also be isolated. In these tetramers the M(II) ions are oxygen-bridged and exhibit a defect dicubane-like core with two missing vertices. The magnetic properties have been studied for all three clusters and reveal competing antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic interactions between the four Co(II) ions in 1 and ferromagnetic coupling between the four Ni(II) ions in 2 and 3. In all three compounds the individual clusters order antiferromagnetically at Néel temperatures below 1 K.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis and magnetism of oxygen-bridged tetranuclear defect dicubane Co(ii) and Ni(ii) clusters

Article information

Article type
20 Apr 2004
14 Jul 2004
First published
09 Aug 2004

Dalton Trans., 2004, 2670-2676

Synthesis and magnetism of oxygen-bridged tetranuclear defect dicubane Co(II) and Ni(II) clusters

P. King, R. Clérac, W. Wernsdorfer, C. E. Anson and A. K. Powell, Dalton Trans., 2004, 2670 DOI: 10.1039/B405881J

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