Issue 22, 2003

A total synthesis of (±)-phomactin A


A total synthesis of the PAF antagonist phomactin A (1), isolated from the marine fungus Phoma sp. is described. The synthesis is based on a Cr(II)/Ni(II) macrocyclisation from the aldehyde vinyl iodide 14, leading to the key phomactatrienol intermediate 16a, followed by elaboration of 16a to the epoxyketone 21, which undergoes spontaneous pyran and hemiacetal ring formation to 1 on deprotection with DDQ.

Graphical abstract: A total synthesis of (±)-phomactin A

Article information

Article type
16 Jul 2003
29 Aug 2003
First published
07 Oct 2003

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2003,1, 3949-3956

A total synthesis of (±)-phomactin A

C. M. Diaper, W. P. D. Goldring and G. Pattenden, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2003, 1, 3949 DOI: 10.1039/B307986D

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