Issue 4, 2002

Transport of Hg2+ through bulk liquid membrane using a bis-calix[4]arene nitrile derivative as carrier: kinetic analysis


The transport of Hg(II) ions from an aqueous solution into an aqueous receiving solution through a bulk liquid membrane containing a bis-calix[4]arene nitrile derivative (1) as a carrier was examined. The kinetic parameters were analyzed assuming two consecutive, irreversible first-order reactions. The influence of temperature, the solvent and stirring rate on the kinetic parameters (k1, k2, Rmmax, tmax, Jdmax, Jamax) has also been investigated. The membrane entrance rate, k1, and the membrane exit rate, k2, increased with increasing temperature and stirring rate. The membrane entrance and exit rate constants are found to vary in the order CH2Cl2 > CHCl3 > CCl4. For the maximum membrane exit flux, Jamax, the activation energy was found from the slope of the linear Arrhenius relationship to be 9.95 kcal mol−1, which indicates that the process is controlled by species diffusion.

Article information

Article type
11 Jul 2001
15 Nov 2001
First published
13 Mar 2002

New J. Chem., 2002,26, 477-480

Transport of Hg2+ through bulk liquid membrane using a bis-calix[4]arene nitrile derivative as carrier: kinetic analysis

H. Korkmaz Alpoguz, S. Memon, M. Ersoz and M. Yilmaz, New J. Chem., 2002, 26, 477 DOI: 10.1039/B106225P

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