Issue 10, 2001

5-Exo-dig, 5-exo-trig cascade radical cyclisation on sugar-furanose templates: entry to angularly fused oxa- and dioxa-triquinane skeletons


Serial radical cyclisation on sugar-furanose templates to create angularly fused oxa- and dioxa-triquinane skeletons has been described, the salient feature of this approach being to incipiently generate a tertiary radical from cyclopropylmethyl bromide with simultaneous release of allyl group and to subsequently incorporate it in the triquinane system.

Article information

Article type
20 Feb 2001
10 Apr 2001
First published
01 May 2001

Chem. Commun., 2001, 917-918

5-Exo-dig, 5-exo-trig cascade radical cyclisation on sugar-furanose templates: entry to angularly fused oxa- and dioxa-triquinane skeletons

M. K. Gurjar, S. V. Ravindranadh and P. Kumar, Chem. Commun., 2001, 917 DOI: 10.1039/B101641P

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