formation of weak molecular complexes between methylenecyclopropane (MeCP) and HCl or DCl dissolved in liquid
argon and liquid nitrogen has been investigated using infrared spectroscopy. Evidence was found for the
formation of a 1:1 complex in which the HCl molecule binds to the C
C double bond. Weaker bands due to
the two different 1:
2 complexes derived from the 1:1 complex were observed. From spectra recorded at different
temperatures between 90 and 130 K, the complexation enthalpy for the 1:1 complex formed was
determined to be −9.9(3) kJ mol−1, while the corresponding value for the most stable 1:2 complex, MeCP·HCl·HCl,
was determined to be −14.6(4) kJ mol−1. Structural and spectral information for the 1:1 and the 1:2
complexes was obtained from DFT calculations at the B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level. Using free energy perturbation Monte
Carlo simulations to calculate the solvent influences, and statistical thermodynamics to account for zero-point
vibrational and thermal contributions, the complexation energies for the 1:1 complex and the 1:2
complex were estimated from the experimental complexation enthalpies to be −16.9(12) and −28.7(14) kJ mol−1.
These numbers are compared with single-point
calculated at the
MP2/aug-cc-PVTZ level.
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