Issue 11, 1998

A new probe of superconductivity: quantitative measurements on defined electron transfer with solute at the interface between liquid electrolyte and oxocuprate electrode in the superconducting state


The rate of electron transfer, between dissolved decamethylferrocene molecules and an oxocuprate high temperature superconductor [Tl 1223] electrode, represented in impedance spectroscopy by an electrical resistance term RCT, is shown to be measurable (RCT tending to dip around the superconducting transition temperature), so opening up the prospect of a new, controllably variable, probe of superconductivity.

Article information

Article type

Chem. Commun., 1998, 1215-1216

A new probe of superconductivity: quantitative measurements on defined electron transfer with solute at the interface between liquid electrolyte and oxocuprate electrode in the superconducting state

S. J. Green, D. R. Rosseinsky, D. R. Rosseinsky, A. L. Kharlanov and J. Paul Attfield, Chem. Commun., 1998, 1215 DOI: 10.1039/A802475H

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