Issue 10, 1994

Tutorial review. Calculating standard deviations and confidence intervals with a universally applicable spreadsheet technique


A quick and universally applicable spreadsheet method is outlined for the calculation of standard deviations based on the general formula for error propagation: “graphic omitted” With this method, standard deviations are calculated numerically without violating the condition of mutual independence, with a substantial time gain and with no risk of calculating errors. Satterthwaite's approximation of the degrees of freedom is a logical extension of the technique with which confidence intervals can be easily established. Direct insight is obtained about the separate contributions of the different error sources.

Article information

Article type
Review Article

Analyst, 1994,119, 2161-2165

Tutorial review. Calculating standard deviations and confidence intervals with a universally applicable spreadsheet technique

J. Kragten, Analyst, 1994, 119, 2161 DOI: 10.1039/AN9941902161

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