Issue 9, 1993

Synthesis and textural properties of unsupported and supported rutile (TiO2) membranes


Two approaches were postulated for improving the stability of porous texture of titania membranes: (1) retarding the phase transformation and grain growth; (2) avoiding the phase transformation. Based on the second approach, rutile membranes were made directly from a rutile sol, prepared by the precipitation of titania on SnO2 nuclei. The rutile membranes were stable up to 800 °C, with a porosity of ca. 40%, whereas normal titania membranes (starting with anatase) show very little porosity above 600 °C. Alumina substitution retards grain growth and pore growth at 850 °C for unsupported as well as supported membranes.

Article information

Article type

J. Mater. Chem., 1993,3, 923-929

Synthesis and textural properties of unsupported and supported rutile (TiO2) membranes

K. P. Kumar, K. Keizer, A. J. Burggraaf, T. Okubo and H. Nagamoto, J. Mater. Chem., 1993, 3, 923 DOI: 10.1039/JM9930300923

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