Stability constants and rate coefficients for decarboxylation of lanthanide oxalacetates
Stability constants β101 of ML and β102 of ML2(M = lanthanide, L = oxalacetate) for most of the series La to Yb have been calculated from the electromotive force values of a glass electrode–calomel electrode cell at I= 0.5 mol dm–3 and 25 °C. Rate coefficients for decarboxylation, kML and kML2′ have been calculated from UV spectrophotometric data obtained at I= 0.5 mol dm–3. The stability-constant values follow the usual pattern for moderately strong complexes, i.e. increasing from La to Yb with a slight dip around Gd and Ho, but this pattern is not found in the rate coefficients. Those for kML decrease from Ce to Eu, rise again for Gd and Ho and then decrease again from Ho to Yb. The ratio of kML2 to kML is about 2 to 3:1 except for La, Ce and Yb. With La and Ce the kML2 values, like the β102 values, are zero or very small while the ratio for the strong ytterbium complex is about 10:1. Some interpretations for the above trends are made.