Issue 8, 1989

New cyclopenta[b]-pyrroles and -pyridines by reaction of 2-azido- and 2-phosphoranylideneaminocyclopent-1-ene-1-carbaldehydes with aliphatic esters


A new cyclopenta [b]pyrrole has been synthesized by reaction of 2-azidocyclopent-1-ene-1-carbaldehyde with ethyl acetate and subsequent thermal cyclisation. Dicyclopenta [b,e] pyrazines have been isolated from a similar reaction with ethyl propionate or t-butyl propionate. Condensation of the corresponding iminophosphorane from 2-azidocyclopent-1-ene-1-carbaldehyde with ethyl acetate and cyclisation of the dienic iminophosphorane so obtained gave a cyclopenta[b]pyridine. The products were characterized on the basis of 1H n.m.r., i.r., and mass spectrometric results.

Article information

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J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 1989, 1369-1373

New cyclopenta[b]-pyrroles and -pyridines by reaction of 2-azido- and 2-phosphoranylideneaminocyclopent-1-ene-1-carbaldehydes with aliphatic esters

T. Aubert, B. Tabyaoui, M. Farnier and R. Guilard, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 1989, 1369 DOI: 10.1039/P19890001369

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