Reactions of tetrafluoroethene oligomers. Part 7. Some reactions of 4-diazo-1,1,1,2,2-pentafluoro-3-pentafluoroethyl-3-trifluoromethylbutane
The title diazo compound (1) alone or in the presence of Cu2+ ions reacted with trifluoroacetic acid to give CF3(C2F5)2CCH2O2CCF3(2). Careful hydrolysis of (2) with dilute alkali afforded CF3(C2F5)2CCH2OH (3) which on oxidation gave the corresponding aldehyde (4). Treatment of (3) with stronger base yielded CF3(C2F5)2CH (5) and CF3C2F5CCFCF3(6). Reaction of (1) with acetic acid in the presence of Cu2+ ions produced the unexpected compound CF3C2F5C
CHOCOCH3(7) and a trace of CF3(C2F5)2CCH
CFCF3(13). In a similar reaction chloroacetic acid gave CF3(C2F5)2CCH2OCOCH2Cl (8) and CF3C2F5C
CHOCOCH2Cl (9) in the ratio 4:1. Treatment of (1) with concentrated sulphuric acid gave the dialkyl sulphate [CF3(C2F5)2CCH2]2SO4(12). Reaction of (1) with methanol/Cu2+ or ethanol/Cu2+ gave mainly CF3C2F5C
CHOMe (10) and CF3C2F5C
CHOEt (11) respectively. Reflux of (1) in acetone/Cu2+ gave only the olefin (13). No reaction occurred in ether or hexane at their reflux temperatures.