Reactions of aluminopolyhydride complexes of tungsten. X-Ray crystal structures of [(Me3P)3H3W(µ-H)2AlCl(µ-NCHEt)]2, {[(Me3P)3WH5]Li}4, WH2I(PMe3)3(SiMe3), and (Me3P)3H2W(µ-H)3AlCl2(NMe3)
The aluminopolyhydride complex [(Me3P)3H3W(µ-H)2AlH (µ-H)]2 reacts with RCN (R = Me or Et) to give the µ-amido complexes [(Me3P)3H3W(µ-H)2AlH (µ-NCHR)]2; the structure of [(Me3P)3H3W(µ-H)2AlCl(µ-NCHEt)]2 obtained from chloride-containing solutions has been determined. Reaction of the aluminopolyhydride with lithium alkyls gives {[(Me3P)3WH5]Li}4, and this compound reacts with Me3SiCH2I to give WH2I(PMe3)3(SiMe3); the structures of both products have been determined. Interaction of the polyhydride with NMe3HCl gives (Me3P)3H2W(µ-H)3AlCl2(NMe3) which also has been structurally characterised. Cyclohexanone gives the monomer (Me3P)4W(µ-H)2AlH3. Proton, 31P, and 27Al n.m.r. and i.r. spectra of the compounds have been recorded.