Acid-catalysed hydration of 3-substituted nortricyclanes
Disappearance rates of several 3-X-substituted nortricyclanes [X = H, CH2OH, CH2Cl, Ac, OH, (CH3)OH, OAc, CN, NO2, and oxo] were measured in aqueous perchloric acid by g.l.c. According to activation parameters, solvent deuterium isotope effects, and log k1versus Ho and log k1, versusσlq correlations, the hydration mechanism is in most cases A–SE2 (or AdE2), i.e., protonation of the cyclopropane ring is the rate-determining stage of the reaction. The mechanism is different in the case of 3-methyl-3-hydroxynortricyclane (A-1) and 3-acetoxy- and 3-oxo-nortricyclane (A-2). The slope of the linear log k1versusσlq correlation (–1.30 in 1 mol dm–3 HClO4 at 348.2 K) is between those measured for separate protonations of two olefinic carbons of 5-X-substituted norbornenes. The contradiction between the normal inductive effects of the 3-X-substituents and the weak effects of the methyl groups at the cyclopropane carbons can be rationalized by formation of an edge-protonated nortricyclane in the rate-determining stage of the reaction.