Determination of silicon in gallium arsenide by electrothermal atomisation atomic absorption spectrometry using the L'vov platform
Electrothermal atomisation atomic absorption spectrometry with a L'vov platform was investigated for the determination of silicon in gallium arsenide. The sample was decomposed with nitric acid-hydrochloric acid (3 M+ 1 M), calcium nitrate was added as a matrix modifier and the diluted solution was atomised from a tantalum carbide coated tube and platform. Ashing at 1650 °C and deuterium arc background correction allowed the non-specific absorbance to be eliminated. For a 40-mg sample the detection limit (3σ) is 4.0 µg g–1, equivalent to 5 × 1017 atoms cm–3. Results obtained for silicon-doped gallium arsenide samples are presented.