Issue 12, 1986

Photometric micro-determination of scandium and lanthanides by direct and successive titration using semi-xylenol orange


The precision and accuracy attainable in direct titrations of the Sc3+, La3+ or Er3+ ion with a 0.001 M solution of the disodium salt of EDTA using semi-xylenol orange (SXO) as a metallochromic indicator were studied. Accurate results can be achieved by successive titration. The Sc3+ ion is titrated at pH 2.4, the pH is adjusted to 5.6–5.9 by adding hexamethylenetetramine buffer solution and the La3+ ion (or Er3+ ion) is then titrated. A comparison of SXO and xylenol orange indicators for the successive titration of the Sc3+ ion and lanthanum or erbium was carried out.

Article information

Article type

Analyst, 1986,111, 1435-1437

Photometric micro-determination of scandium and lanthanides by direct and successive titration using semi-xylenol orange

M. A. E. H. Hafez and M. E. S. M. Emam, Analyst, 1986, 111, 1435 DOI: 10.1039/AN9861101435

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