Issue 0, 1981

Polyketoenols and chelates. New types of xanthyrones lacking enolised side-chain termini: their reactions with magnesium methoxide


Xanthyrones (4) and (8) as well as (9), (11), and (13) have been synthesised: blocking the side-chain terminus, which is normally enolised as in (5), by dicyano or cyano-ester end groups, leads to enolisation of the 3-acetylpyrone end as shown by n.m.r. data in CDCl3. The dicyanobismethoxycarbonyl representative (9) exists in the 1′-H form in CDCl3–CF3CO2H whilst in CDCl3 the tetraester (13) is a 3′-H form. Xanthyrone (11) is present mainly in the 3′-H form in CDCl3 but some enolate (12) is observed. All the xanthyrones are highly ionised in ethanol, (9) especially so. Treated with excess ([gt-or-equal]6 mol. equiv.) magnesium methoxide, xanthyrones (4) and (8) cyclise by an aldol pathway and (9) and (13) by an analogous Claisen pathway. This contrasts with dimethylxanthophanic enol (5) which undergoes a different type of Claisen cyclisation. The results accord with the view that cyclisation in the latter case involves a bischelate (20) and in the other cases monochelates, e.g. (22) and (25). Reactions of xanthyrones (4) and (8) with boiling water follow expected pathways.

Article information

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J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 1981, 165-171

Polyketoenols and chelates. New types of xanthyrones lacking enolised side-chain termini: their reactions with magnesium methoxide

S. R. Baker, L. Crombie and R. V. Dove, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 1981, 165 DOI: 10.1039/P19810000165

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