Issue 11, 1981

Solid-state 29Si n.m.r. and high-resolution electron microscopic studies of a silicate analogue of faujasite


Reaction of synthetic zeolite Na-Y with SiCl4 yields an essentially aluminium-free faujasite structure which is highly crystalline, and which, when studied by 29Si n.m.r. spectroscopy with magic-angle-spinning, gives a spectrum consisting of a single, sharp peak characteristic of regular, Si(4 Si) lattice ordering.

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J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1981, 570-571

Solid-state 29Si n.m.r. and high-resolution electron microscopic studies of a silicate analogue of faujasite

J. Klinowski, J. M. Thomas, M. Audier, S. Vasudevan, C. A. Fyfe and J. S. Hartman, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1981, 570 DOI: 10.1039/C39810000570

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