Issue 0, 1979

Pressure and temperature dependences of 35Cl nuclear quadrupole resonances in p-chlorophenol


The temperature and pressure dependence of the n.q.r. frequencies in α phase p-chlorophenol are reported. The temperature coefficients of the two resonances are equal within experimental error. The pressure coefficient (ν/P)T is less positive for the lower resonance than for the upper resonance. (ν/P)T also becomes smaller at high pressures, and at low temperatures becomes negative. The strong temperature dependence of (ν/P)T suggests that any theory of intermolecular effects on n.q.r. frequencies should be tested against the value of (ν/P)T at 0 K rather than at room temperature.

Article information

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J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2, 1979,75, 1050-1053

Pressure and temperature dependences of 35Cl nuclear quadrupole resonances in p-chlorophenol

R. J. C. Brown, D. C. Woodland and R. deBoer, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2, 1979, 75, 1050 DOI: 10.1039/F29797501050

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