Proton magnetic resonance and conformational energy calculations of repeat peptides of tropoelastin: the pentapeptide
The detailed conformation of a repeating pentapeptide segment, HCO-L-Val1-L-Pro2-Gly3-L-Val4-Gly5-OMe, of tropoelastin has been investigated using theoretical conformational energy calculations and 1H n.m.r. studies in CDCl3. Theoretical conformational energy calculations suggest the existence of two broad classes of conformations. One class of conformations (A) is stabilized by a Type II β-turn, involving the Val4 NH and the Val1 CO, a 14-membered hydrogen bonded ring between the Val1 NH and the Val4 C
O, and an 11-membered hydrogen bonded system, called a γ-turn, between the Gly3 NH and the Gly5 C
O. The second class of conformations (B) is stabilized by the same Type II β-turn and 11-membered hydrogen bonded ring and by a seven-membered hydrogen bonded ring between the Gly5 NH and the Gly3 C
O. The theoretical results correlate reasonably well with torsion angles derived from 3JCαH–NH coupling constants obtained in the 1H n.m.r. studies. Temperature dependence and solvent perturbation of NH proton chemical shifts support the above intramolecular hydrogen bonds.